No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is a law passed by the federal
government that mandates all States to implement accountability
programs that cover all public schools and students. These
programs are required to be based on challenging standards
in reading and mathematics, which provide a basis for annual
testing for all students in grades 3-8. The goal for the
NCLB Act is to have all groups of students, regardless of
race, income, or disability to be at proficiency within
12 years of schooling.
determine school proficiency levels, assessment results
and State progress objectives are broken out by poverty,
race, ethnicity, disability, and limited English proficiency.
School districts and schools that fail to make adequate
yearly progress (AYP) toward statewide proficiency goals
will be subject to improvement aimed at getting them back
on course to meet State standards. Each state has individual
requirements for AYP. To view your state requirements, please
visit your state’s Website for the Department of Education. |
