my $DIR = '/home/account/.dada_files'; #---------------------------------------------------------------------# $PROGRAM_URL = ''; #---------------------------------------------------------------------# $FILES = $DIR . '/.lists'; $TEMPLATES = $DIR . '/.templates'; $TMP = $DIR . '/.tmp'; $BACKUPS = $DIR . '/.backups'; $ARCHIVES = $DIR . '/.archives'; $LOGS = $DIR . '/.logs'; #---------------------------------------------------------------------# $PROGRAM_USAGE_LOG = $LOGS . '/dada.txt'; #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Start Root Password $PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD = 't'; $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED = 0; # End Root Password # start cut for SQL Backend =cut $SUBSCRIBER_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; $ARCHIVE_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; $SESSION_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; $BOUNCE_SCORECARD_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; $CLICKTHROUGH_DB_TYPE = 'SQL'; %SQL_PARAMS = ( # May just be, "localhost" dbserver => 'localhost', database => '', # MySQL: 3306 # PostgreSQL: 5432 port => '3306', # MySQL: mysql # PostgreSQL: Pg # SQLite: SQLite dbtype => 'mysql', user => '', pass => '', subscriber_table => 'dada_subscribers', profile_table => 'dada_profiles', profile_fields_table => 'dada_profile_fields', profile_fields_attributes_table => 'dada_profile_fields_attributes', archives_table => 'dada_archives', settings_table => 'dada_settings', session_table => 'dada_sessions', bounce_scores_table => 'dada_bounce_scores', clickthrough_urls_table => 'dada_clickthrough_urls', ); $LIST_IN_ORDER = 1; =cut # end cut for SQL Backend =cut # start cut for Dada Mail Profile Options $PROFILE_OPTIONS = { enabled => 1, profile_email => '', enable_captcha => 1, enable_magic_subscription_forms => 1, cookie_params => { -name => 'dada_profile', -path => '/', -expires => '+7d', }, gravatar_options => { enable_gravators => 1, default_gravatar_url => undef, }, }; =cut # end cut for Dada Mail Profile Options # start cut for list settings defaults =cut %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE = ( set_smtp_sender => 1, # For SMTP add_sendmail_f_flag => 1, # For Sendmail Command admin_email => '', ); =cut # end cut for list settings defaults # start cut for plugin configs =cut $PLUGIN_CONFIGS = { Mystery_Girl => { Server => undef, Username => undef, Password => undef, Port => undef, USESSL => undef, AUTH_MODE => undef, Log => undef, Send_Messages_To => undef, MessagesAtOnce => undef, Max_Size_Of_Any_Message => undef, Default_Soft_Bounce_Score => undef, Default_Hard_Bounce_Score => undef, Score_Threshold => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Rules => undef, Bounce_Handler_Name => undef, }, Beatitude => { Log => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, }, Dada_Bridge => { Plugin_URL => undef, Plugin_Name => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, MessagesAtOnce => undef, Max_Size_Of_Any_Message => undef, Allow_Open_Discussion_List => undef, Room_For_One_More_Check => undef, Enable_POP3_File_Locking => undef, Check_List_Owner_Return_Path_Header => undef, Check_Multiple_Return_Path_Headers => undef, }, ajax_include_subscribe => { Plugin_URL => undef, Default_List => undef, }, blog_index => { Default_List => undef, Entries => undef, Style => undef, Allow_QS_Overrides => undef, Template => undef, }, log_viewer => { Plugin_URL => undef, tail_command => undef, }, }; =cut # end cut for plugin configs # start cut for list control panel menu =cut $S_PROGRAM_URL = $PROGRAM_URL; my $PLUGIN_URL = $S_PROGRAM_URL; $PLUGIN_URL =~ s/\/(\w+)\.(cgi|pl)$/\//; $PLUGIN_URL .= 'plugins'; my $EXT_URL = $PLUGIN_URL; $EXT_URL =~ s/plugins/extensions/; $ADMIN_MENU = [ {-Title => 'Mass Mailing', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Send a Message', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=send_email", -Function => 'send_email', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Send a Webpage', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=send_url_email", -Function => 'send_url_email', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Monitor Your Mailings /', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=sending_monitor", -Function => 'sending_monitor', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Your Subscribers', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'View', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=view_list", -Function => 'view_list', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Add', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=add", -Function => 'add', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Remove', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=delete_email", -Function => 'delete_email', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=subscription_options", -Function => 'subscription_options', -Activated => 0, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Your Mailing List', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'Change List Information', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=change_info", -Function => 'change_info', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Change List Password', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=change_password", -Function => 'change_password', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Mailing List Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=list_options", -Function => 'list_options', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Delete This Mailing List', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=delete_list", -Function => 'delete_list', -Activated => 0, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Mail Sending', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'Sending Preferences', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=sending_preferences", -Function => 'sending_preferences', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Advanced Sending Preferences', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=adv_sending_preferences", -Function => 'adv_sending_preferences', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Mass Mailing Preferences', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=mass_mailing_preferences", -Function => 'mass_mailing_preferences', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Message Archives', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'View Archive', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=view_archive", -Function => 'view_archive', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Archive Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=archive_options", -Function => 'archive_options', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Advanced Archive Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=adv_archive_options", -Function => 'adv_archive_options', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Appearance and Templates', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'Your Mailing List Template', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=edit_template", -Function => 'edit_template', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Email Message Templates', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=edit_type", -Function => 'edit_type', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'HTML Screen Templates', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=edit_html_type", -Function => 'edit_html_type', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Subscription Form HTML', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=html_code", -Function => 'html_code', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Create a Back Link', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=back_link", -Function => 'back_link', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Profiles', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Profile Fields', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=profile_fields", -Function => 'profile_fields', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Your List Control Panel', -Activated => 0, -Submenu => [ {-Title => 'Customize Feature Set', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=feature_set", -Function => 'feature_set', -Activated => 0, }, {-Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=list_cp_options", -Function => 'list_cp_options', -Activated => 0, } ], }, {-Title => 'Plugins', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ # # These are plugins. Make sure you install them # # if you want to use them! # {-Title => 'Multi List Sub/Unsub Check', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/multi_admin_subscribers.cgi", # -Function => 'multi_admin_subscribers', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Boilerplate Example', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/boilerplate_plugin.cgi", # -Function => 'boilerplate', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Change the Program Root Password', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/change_root_password.cgi", # -Function => 'change_root_password', # -Activated => 0, # }, # {-Title => 'Discussion Lists', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/", # -Function => 'dada_bridge', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Clickthrough Tracking', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/clickthrough_tracking.cgi", # -Function => 'clickthrough_tracking', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Scheduled Mailings', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/", # -Function => 'scheduled_mailings', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'MX Lookup Verification', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/mx_lookup.cgi", # -Function => 'mx_lookup', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'View List Settings', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/view_list_settings.cgi", # -Function => 'view_list_settings', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'View Logs', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/log_viewer.cgi", # -Function => 'log_viewer', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Email All List Owners', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/email_list_owners.cgi", # -Function => 'email_list_owners', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Bounce Handler', # -Title_URL => $PLUGIN_URL."/", # -Function => 'dada_bounce_handler', # -Activated => 1, # }, ], }, # Shortcut to the Extensions. Make sure you install them # if you want to use them! {-Title => 'Extensions', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ # {-Title => 'Multiple Subscribe', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/multiple_subscribe.cgi", # -Function => 'multiple_subscribe', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Ajax\'d Subscription Form', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/ajax_include_subscribe.cgi?mode=html", # -Function => 'ajax_include_subscribe', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Archive Blog Index', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/blog_index.cgi?mode=html&list=", # -Function => 'blog_index', # -Activated => 1, # }, # {-Title => 'Sending Monitor Outside Extension', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/", # -Function => 'auto_pickup', # -Activated => 1, # }, ], }, {-Title => 'About Dada Mail', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=manage_script", -Function => 'manage_script', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Logout', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=logout", -Function => 'logout', -Activated => 1, }, {-Title => 'Log Into Another List', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=log_into_another_list", -Function => 'log_into_another_list', -Activated => 1, }, ]; =cut # end cut for list control panel menu