Twitter Support in Dada Mail


Yes, it's true, Dada Mail can Tweet.

Status - Experimental!

This feature is quite new in Dada Mail and experimental. Have fun with it!


Twitter support ships in Dada Mail, 3.1, but you will need additional perl CPAN modules installed to have the functionality be enabled. The additional CPAN modules you'll need are:


It can be enabled on a per-list basis in the list control panel under,

Manage List - Sending Options

Look for the fieldset labeled, "Twitter".


Dada Mail will automatically Tweet the Subject of your message, as well a link to the archived message, every time you send a mass mailing out, either via the, "Send a Message", "Send a Webpage" screens or through Dada Bridge.


This is a new, experimental feature and we'd like feedback on how it's working for everyone. Let us know!