Multiple Mailing List Sending FAQ


Multiple Mailing List Sending in Dada Mail allows you to create one message in Dada Mail's, "Send a Message", or "Send a Webpage" screens to more than one Mailing List at one time.

Multiple Mialing List Sending has the idea of a host list, which is just whatever list you're currently logged into.

Partial list sending, using Dada Mail's Subscriber Profile Fields is supported.

Using Multiple Mailing List Sending

Multiple Mailing List Sending is currently available in the, "Send a Message" and "Send a Webpage" screens. If it's enabled and supported, you'll see a field set labled, "+/- Multiple Mailing List Sending".

Once revealed, you should be able to see a group of checkboxes, that will allow you to select one or more other mailing lists to send your message to. The host mailing list will always receive a copy of your message.

If you do not see this field set, you either do not have the feature configured to be enabled, or do not have an installation that supports this feature.


You'll need to be running Dada Mail with an SQL Subscriber backend. Any of them (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) will do.


Multiple List Sending is NOT enabled by default. To enable it, change the config variable,


to, 1, like this:


Change it back to 0


to disable.

Currently, Dada Mail support two ways to send to multiple lists at once. You can configure which way you'd like it to work in the config variable, $MULTIPLE_LIST_SENDING_TYPE

The two types are,