Dada Mail Changelog for version 4.x.x


Changes 4.0.2

Dada Bridge: "Allow Open Discussion List" option always viewable

For whatever reason, the, "Allow Open Discussion List" option wasn't viewable, until you first enabled discussion lists. It will now *always* be viewable, as long as the Plugin Config Param, Allow_Open_Discussion_List is set to, 1

Dada Bridge: New Plugin Config Param: Check_Multiple_From_Addresses

A new Plugin Config Paramater called, Check_Multiple_From_Addresses has been added and has a default value of, 1. When enabled, messages that have more than one sender aren't supported by Dada Bridge and these messages will be ignored.

Set this paramater to, 0 to revert to the previous behavior.

Mail Sending - "broken pipe" catch removed

Dada Mail had a very simple test to make sure mail using the sendmail command was successful, by looking at any error messages created from sending mail this way. If a, "broken pipe" message was found while sending a mass mailing, a mass mailing would be stopped, and would be picked up and sending would be attempted starting at the same address that gave the error. The complete logged error may look like this:

        [Mon Jan  4 16:40:08 2010] mail.cgi: Pro Dada 4.0.1 Warning: 
        [Mon Jan  4 16:40:08 2010] mail.cgi:                          didn't close pipe to '|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' while 
        [Mon Jan  4 16:40:08 2010] mail.cgi:                          attempting to send a message to: '"My Mailing List" <> because:' Broken pipe at ..//DADA/MailingList/ line 808
        [Mon Jan  4 16:40:08 2010] mail.cgi: Broken Pipe error! returning -1 - Mass Mailing should be exit()ed! at ..//DADA/MailingList/ line 808
        [Mon Jan  4 16:40:08 2010] mail.cgi: [listshortname]  Mailout:<> Bailing out of Mailing for now - last message was unable to be sent! exit()ing! at ..//DADA/MailingList/ line 808

This behavior is problematic, since the, "broken pipe" error can happen, even if a message (or part of a message) is actually sent. Sometimes this happens if you have a message that contains a dot by itself on one line, like this:


If this is problematic to you (messages being cut off because of a lone dot on one line) and you're using the sendmail command to send messages, consider changing the $MAIL_SETTINGS and, $MASS_MAIL_SETTINGS Config variables to include the, -i flag, like this:

 $MAIL_SETTINGS      = "|$MAILPROG -t -i";

Bug Fixes 4.0.2

confirmation pins with '/' as the first character break the confirmation process

Dada Bridge: "Deliver a Copy" isn't working

pop3_username paramater not passed to sending_preferences.tmpl

Dada Bridge: From: header validation can be spoofed

Use One SMTP Connection per Batch (Experimental) unsaveable?


Changes 4.0.1

New Documentation

The following topics were added to the documentation:

New MySQL 4 Specific Schema

A MySQL Schema specifically for MySQL 4 is now shipped with Dada Mail at:


DB Backup to SQL List Settings import script added

Although not heavily documented (yet), a DB Backup to SQL script has been added to the distribution at:


Misc. Changes

Bug Fixes 4.0.1

Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cannot be checked in the Sending

"List Password Reset" email message cannot be over-rided

MySQL schema isn't compatible with MySQL 4

Bounce Message reports that put email addresses in brackets <> can't be parsed?

Wrong version numbers in 3.x to 4.x migration assistant

parse_for_windows_live suboutine is broken

SQL Backend Clickthrough Tracker still requires a DBM package


Changes 4.0.0

4.0.0 Features

CPAN Perl Libraries

The CPAN Perl Libraries needed for Dada Mail are now being saved within the Git Repository of Dada Mail. We don't know if this is the greatest idea, since we don't really plan on making changes to this modules. But, we're doing it. If any problems occur, please report!


There are many new modules in Dada Mail's backend, including: